Visa Support

Visa services (application and stamping) are integral parts of the admission process, as a visa serves as an entry pass for individuals to enter a foreign country. Various types of visas, such as student visas, business visas, and tourist visas, exist. In this case, we facilitate the procurement of student visas, which permit students to enter a foreign country for the entire duration of their educational program. The primary aim of the student visa is to enable students to reside in the foreign country uninterrupted for extended periods, ensuring seamless continuation of their studies.


At MIZ EDU HOPZ, we offer comprehensive visa services for students aspiring to study MBBS abroad. With a track record of high success rates in obtaining study visas for selected countries, we’ve assisted many  students in the past. Our priority is to expedite the visa stamping process swiftly and seamlessly, eliminating the need for interviews or personal visits to the embassy by the student.

While it may seem unconventional to some, visa stamping for MBBS education abroad stands as the final and most crucial milestone. It must be completed before students from the Indian subcontinent can embark on their journey. Any objections raised by the embassy necessitate restarting the entire visa application process, underscoring the significance of meticulous preparation and adherence to requirements.


Some countries simply require submission of proper documentation as outlined by their guidelines. Conversely, others mandate a personal interview at the embassy before granting a visa to the student. Occasionally, even countries that typically grant visas without interviews may request certain students to attend one. We offer guidance to students regarding potential interview questions they may encounter at the embassy, enabling them to prepare adequately for their visa interview.

At MIZ EDU HOPZ, our proficient staff members are extensively trained to provide comprehensive visa services for Indian students seeking to study in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan. Right from the outset, we meticulously prepare all required documents according to the specific format mandated by each country’s embassy, ensuring thorough double-checking of documentation. Once everything is in order, we proceed to submit the visa application to the embassy. Upon visa stamping in the students’ passports, we retrieve them from the embassy and hand them over to the students prior to their departure from Delhi.


Established in 2024

15+ years of experienced individuals

1650+ student admissions

5+ counties and more


+91- 9746344435 / 9746211134


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Abroad Universities


Universities in Georgia

Universities in Serbia

Universities in Uzbekistan

Universities in Azerbaijan

Universities in Kazakhstan

Universities in Kyrgyzstan