Scholarships & Loans

When students plan to pursue MBBS studies abroad, one of the most significant challenges they face is securing adequate financing. At this juncture, students can benefit from our scholarship and loan options. Scholarships are awards granted to students to assist with their education expenses, often in the form of tuition fee waivers. Various scholarships are available, including those offered by the government of India and the governments of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan for international students. However, students must fulfill specific criteria to qualify for these scholarships, for which we provide guidance. While some scholarships are highly competitive, many others remain underutilized due to students’ lack of awareness.

MBBS Abroad Scholarships

Scholarships come in various forms, including those specific to certain countries, courses, or mediums of instruction. However, opportunities for scholarships specifically for MBBS studies conducted in English medium abroad are scarce. Even the government of India has launched an online portal to assist Indian students seeking medical education abroad. This portal provides information about scholarships offered by the Indian government for MBBS studies abroad, which can be accessed here.

MBBS Abroad Loans

Another commonly chosen option for financing overseas education among students is bank loans. With a significant increase in the number of students pursuing studies in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and other countries, there has been a corresponding rise in the approval of education loans by banks. While the eligibility criteria for obtaining education loans for MBBS admission abroad may sometimes appear stringent, individuals have the option to opt for personal loans by providing collateral.

For over a decade, we have assisted hundreds of Indian students in securing education/personal loans for MBBS admission abroad. Through our partnerships with major banks across Indian cities, we offer guidance to students to streamline the loan sanctioning process, thereby saving their time and minimizing confusion regarding required documentation. Notably, the government of India has recently launched the Vidya Laxmi Portal for the same purpose. Students interested in checking eligibility and applying for education loans for MBBS abroad can access the portal here.


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Abroad Universities


Universities in Georgia

Universities in Serbia

Universities in Uzbekistan

Universities in Azerbaijan

Universities in Kazakhstan

Universities in Kyrgyzstan